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Shabbat: May 3rd and 4th:

Friday, May 3rd, 7:00pm: Erev Shabbat Service: TBJ and Live-Stream.

Saturday, May 4th, 9:30am: 5th/6th Grade Limmud Shabbat Service: Live-Stream.

Rabbi's Message of Welcome

Temple Beth Jacob in New Hampshire’s capital city of Concord, is a welcoming community of individuals and families who represent a wide range of Jewish experience, commitment, and observance. Our practices respect the values of loving kindness, education, worship, and social action.

TBJ celebrates diversity through the ideals of Reform Judaism. We are one of the oldest synagogues in New Hampshire, founded in 1907. Begun as an Orthodox community, we affiliated with the Reform movement just after World War II. As Concord’s only synagogue, we are an eclectic blend of Jewish worship practices, as our members represent the full spectrum of Jewish diversity. Our ancestors Abraham and Sarah we renowned for their tent – a tent open on all sides. It was by welcoming all who came to them that their faith and family grew. And so it is at TBJ. At our heart are warmth and a welcoming spirit to all who enter our doors. Whether you are Jewish by birth or by choice, married/partnered with someone who is Jewish, raising Jewish children, searching, or just curious, know that you are always welcome at TBJ. We hope you’ll find a home with us as we strive to engage with Torah and the legacy of Jewish learning so that our ancient traditions resonate in our lives and in our world today. 

L’shalom (with peace),

Rabbi Robin Nafshi

Safety Protocols for Services

UPDATED 11/8/23:

Due to the war in Israel and Gaza, and the increase in the incidents of antisemitism across the globe, the Concord Police Department has increased their presence at TBJ. Police officers can be seen parked outside of our building very often on Friday nights, Saturday mornings, and Sunday mornings. They also stop by midweek and sit outside up to three times a day, for 30-45 minutes. There are no known active threats against TBJ or the Jewish community of Concord. The Police are simply doing what they can to help us feel safe.

Regarding illnesses, we are seeing an uptick in some respiratory illnesses across the country. We ask that if you are not feeling well to please stay home, as all services will be available for viewing via Zoom or Live-Stream.

If someone in your home has tested positive within 5 days of  any service or indoor Temple event, kindly remain home; and if someone in your home is between 5-7 days past COVID, please wear a mask if you choose to come to come in.


Fridays night Shabbat services are at 7:00 pm (unless otherwise noted) and are live in person, available for viewing over TBJ’s live stream service (, and occasionally offered over Zoom (contact the Temple office at to get the Zoom link or to be added to our weekly email.

Saturday morning services and Torah study are live in person only, with occasional exceptions. Again, the weekly emails will note specifically when the Service or Torah study will be Zoom only or live and live streamed.

TBJ is now a mask-optional community. If you have any COVID symptoms, have been exposed to COVID, or live with someone who has COVID, we invite you to enjoy our services over live stream or Zoom.

Thank you for helping to keep our community safe and healthy.


Rabbi Robin

Thu, May 2 2024 24 Nisan 5784