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Adult Education Classes 2024-2025 (5785)

5785 Adult Education Classes

(Click for the printable 5785 Adult Education Classes pdf file rev 01-29-25)

(Click for the printable 5785 Adult Education Classes jpg file rev 01-29-25)


NEW! "Introduction to Judaism," taught by Rabbi Robin Nafshi

Mondays, 7:00 pm- 8:00 pm, in person at TBJ and Zoom

Dates: February 10, 17, 24; March 3, 10, 17, 31; April 7, 14, 21, 28; May 5, 19

Text: Honoring Tradition, Embracing Modernity, edited by Rabbi Beth Lieberman and Rabbi Hara Person

Zoom link: 


"Mussar Class, the Study of Jewish Ethics," lay led

Bi-weekly on Tuesday evenings at 7pm via Zoom. Next class December 17th.



"An Exploration of Psalms," lay led

Tuesday and Thursday mornings, 8:30 am

Zoom link:


"40 Arguments for the Sake of Heaven," 

by Rabbi ShmulyYanklowitz (Book Discussion Group), 

led by Rabbi Robin Nafshi

Sundays, 11:00 am-noon, in person at TBJ and Zoom

Dates: September 8 (to begin at 11:15), 29; October 27; November 17; December 15; January 26; March 9; April 20

Zoom link:


"Hebrew II and III," taught by Marty Bender

Level II Sundays at 9 am

Level III Sundays at 10 am

For further information, including the Zoom link, texts used, and dates the classes meet, contact Marty Bender at


"Weekly Torah Study," led by Rabbi Robin Nafshi

Thursdays at noon (11:30 am final week of the month), in person at TBJ

Beginning date: Ongoing (watch the weekly communication from the Temple office to know when class is meeting)

This is a verse-by-verse study of the Torah, begun 28 years ago with Rabbi Klein. I hope we will finish in this year. No prior knowledge or participation is necessary


More coming! Keep your eyes open for additional classes. If you would like to join the Adult Education Committee, please contact Barb Dieckman,, and/or Truda Bloom,
Mon, February 17 2025 19 Sh'vat 5785